As part of the ongoing improvement of its operation and the quality of its services, the National Union of Neutral health insurance companies attaches importance to expressions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the beneficiaries of its services.
What do we mean by complaint and suggestion?
A complaint is a negative reaction to a service provided by the national union or a health insurance company. It must be formulated in writing. Any written complaint receives a detailed response.
A suggestion is a proposal for improvement of our services, formulated in writing. The relevance of each suggestion is assessed by the general management of the national union and implemented if necessary.
Who can submit a suggestion or complaint?
A policyholder or a third party (care provider, care institution or citizen who is not affiliated or registered with a neutral health insurance company) who has used a product or service provided by the national union or a neutral health insurance company, and which is not satisfied with an act, a benefit or a service provided. This is a reaction from which the user expects the national union to act.
What suggestion or complaint can be made?
Any complaint or suggestion relating to the quality of our services is admissible.
It could be :
- Incomplete or incorrect information
- A decision that you contest
- A waiting period
- The quality of the welcome
- Late or incorrect payment
- …
You submit this by completing the downloadable form on how to submit a suggestion or complaint?
If your complaint or suggestion is addressed to a neutral health insurance company, go to the aforementioned health insurance company’s website for more information.
If your complaint or suggestion is addressed to the National Union,
You submit this by completing the downloadable form on (member’s complaint, service provider’s complaint or suggestion), and send it to the address or
A complaint or suggestion form in paper format is also available at the reception of our national union, Chaussée de Charleroi 145, 1060 Brussels. It can be scanned and sent to the address or, or by fax to the no. 02/538.50.18, or write to the following address: Union nationale des mutualités Neutres/National Union of
Neutral health insurance companies. Complaints and suggestions department. Chaussée de Charleroi 145, 1060 Brussels
Finally, you can send an email to the address or
How to submit a suggestion or complaint?
If your complaint or suggestion is addressed to a neutral mutuality, visit the mutuality's website for more information.
If your complaint or suggestion is addressed to the national union,
- Fill in the downloadable form (member complaint, service provider complaint or suggestion) and send it to or
- A paper complaint or suggestion form is also available from the reception desk of our national union, chaussée de Charleroi 145, 1060 Brussels. It can be scanned and sent to or, or faxed to 02/538.50.18, or sent by post to the following address: Union nationale des mutualités Neutres. Service plaintes et suggestions. Chaussée de Charleroi 145. 1060 Brussels.
You can also send an e-mail to or