A bigger refund!
Supplemented Refunds give the right to better refund for medicines and health care (consultations, visits, hospitalisations, nursing services, etc.).
However, the way you get it sometimes differs.
We take stock below.
However, it is very important to point out that the benefits linked to Supplemented Refunds are absolutely no different depending on the way in which you qualify for it.
If you already benefit from Supplemented, there is no need to submit a new request. This only leads to confusion and creates an overload of work for your health insurance company!
To benefit from the Supplemented Refunds (or the right to Supplemented Refunds) you must meet one of the following criteria:
You are:
- Retired;
- Disabled;
- Widower/Widow;
- A unavailable Public Service agent;
- Long-term unemployed;
- Soldier placed on temporary leave of employment for one year for health reasons;
- Disabled recognised by the INAMI;
- The head of a single-parent family
You do not have to do anything! Your health insurance company will contact you itself to find out your household income.
You benefit from:
- An integration income from CPAS;
- An financial intervention from CPAS, assimilated to integration income;
- An income guarantee for the elderly (GRAPA or RGPA) ;
- One of the many allowances for the disabled;
- Recognition as a child with a physical or mental disability of at least 66%;
- Registration as MENA;
- Registration as an orphan.
You do not have to do anything! Your health insurance company will know who fulfils this condition.
You are a disabled child:
If you are a disabled child with a physical or mental incapacity of at least 66%, you are automatically entitled to Supplemented Refunds without any further conditions.
You are from a low-income household:
If one or more people in your household benefit from low and stable income, an examination of all income over a period of one year will be carried out by your health insurance company.
To find out more about the exact conditions for benefiting from Supplemented Refunds in this way, please consult the section FAQ.